i vould like to congratulate Luke on this great in 08 post..it is wery likable..in fact it is as likable as a fuzzy bubble or as james frolicking..or ewen as likable as vhat a raging bull is not..it has been six months since his last post..to be exact this post is 6 months and 3 days newer than his last vonderful post..
its incredible!! in 08
yes luke i enjoy you post..its great in 08
this is my new comment to the new post
well this is my comment on this new post innovate. :P
you mean innowate right..i dont know vhat innovate means
I like my post wery much.
wery good post luke :p..is that in 08?
i vould like to congratulate Luke on this great in 08 post..it is wery likable..in fact it is as likable as a fuzzy bubble or as james frolicking..or ewen as likable as vhat a raging bull is not..it has been six months since his last post..to be exact this post is 6 months and 3 days newer than his last vonderful post..
Vell it took my six hard months of intense research and study to come up with such startling material. I feel as relieved as a fig newton.
yes..thank you for all of your hard study..i do realize that you lost sleep over this trying to understand the depth of this vonderful post
Its Dumb :D lol..gota help keep the ego down a bit :p
you say it Chels :) I love it :p
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